Preventive Medicine

Preventive care is grounded in the belief that we can preempt the need for treatment by taking care to prevent disease. When it comes to your long-term health, we take our role as a preventive care expert seriously. We work with each patient to implement productive lifestyle changes that improve overall health and discourage disease. When a patient falls ill, our treatments address influencing factors, not independent symptoms.

Poor general health can quickly become your costliest lifetime expense—both financially and in quality of life. Proactive medical care can help you avoid or manage preventable diseases. Taking into account a patient’s medical and family history, we offer comprehensive care programs that identify and treat the risk factors that could lead to serious medical problems in the future. We stock all preventive and travel vaccines to keep our patients healthy at home and abroad.

Millions of lives are lost each year due to preventable disease. As a primary care physician, Dr. Raskin invests his efforts in the regular prevention and treatment of disease, rather than simply remedying existing conditions. Dr. Raskin provides patients with a range of comprehensive health services to treat acute and chronic illness. We work individually with our patients to implement lasting lifestyle changes that support health, for tomorrow and beyond. Don’t wait another day to prioritize your well-being.